The conflict between Gramsci and Bordiga in the early days of the Italian Communist Party, and the Lyon Theses

This article explains the disagreements and political errors that marred the early years of the Communist Party of Italy (PCd’I). The Lyon Congress of 1926 was a culmination of the contradictory nature of the PCd’I which – compounded by the bureaucratic degeneration of the Third International – tragically contributed to the defeat of the Italian […]

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Why has capitalism failed?

Apologists for capitalism argue that it is the best, most-efficient system that could ever possibly exist. But the current period of crisis and chaos prove otherwise. Today, the COVID-19 pandemic has triggered an economic collapse that threatens to throw society back to the 1930s, sending the world into a full-blown depression. Clearly, something is rotten […]

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Ethiopia’s Tigray crisis: Socialism or barbarism

At 3am on Wednesday, November 4, Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed appeared on state television to declare a six-month state of emergency in the country’s northern Tigray region. According to Abiy, the Tigray regional security forces had committed ‘treason’ by attacking federal military bases in the regional capital Mekelle as well as Dansha, killing and […]

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Will there be a boom?

The capitalists are eagre for the COVID-19 crisis to come to an end, and many anticipate a rapid economic bounceback. But the new normal will be one of crisis, chaos and class struggle.

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[Video] Trump, Biden and the class divide in the USA

Fred Weston, editor for, discusses the most polarised US election in living memory. With little genuine enthusiasm for Joe Biden, the highest number of people in a century turned out to essentially vote either for or against Donald Trump. At the time of writing, it appears as if Biden has narrowly scraped through to […]

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Electoral chaos and the crisis of American bourgeois democracy

Election night has come and gone and, as expected, there are still no clear results. The general picture is one of utter polarization, and the threat of a descent into an unholy mess of bourgeois democracy. Last night, Socialist Revolution editor John Peterson provided an analysis of where things stood one day into the post-election chaos. Also […]

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Socialism or barbarism: where is Haiti going?

The following article explains the situation in Haiti, where President Jovenel Moïse is hurtling towards naked dictatorship. With parliament dissolved in January, he is ruling by decree (with the support of Haiti’s capitalist mafioso and foreign imperialism), murdering and terrorising all opponents to his authority. The workers, youth and poor must organise on a class […]

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