The lessons of Greece: the failure of reformism

The lessons of Greece: the failure of reformism

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras just announced he will step down. He has lost his parliamentary majority and Syriza is split, with left leader Lafazanis announcing the formation of a new party, Popular Unity. Speaking in a televised address last night, Tsipras stated that the Syriza government would tender its resignation and call an election. […]

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IMT World School 2015: a testament to the strength of revolutionary internationalism

Over 270 Marxists have now returned home to over 30 different countries after attending the International Marxist Tendency’s World School that took place in Bardonecchia, Italy, last week. The school demonstrated the tendency’s activity and the strength of revolutionary ideas through the high political level, the number of enthusiastic young people in attendance, and the […]

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 Iran Nuclear Deal: A new period opens up in the Middle East

Iran Nuclear Deal: A new period opens up in the Middle East

Yesterday, the long-awaited nuclear deal between Iran and six major world powers was signed. After 18 days of straight negotiations the parties announced a 100-page agreement which is to set in motion the scaling back of the Iranian nuclear agreement and the lifting of harsh sanctions on Iran. This brings to an end more than […]

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Chinese Stock Volatility Expresses System’s Dead End

The world economy is tottering. This week it has been buffeted by two extremely turbulent financial storms – Greece and, suddenly, China, the world’s second largest economy. Globally, the system is extremely unbalanced, with massive wealth accumulating in tiny handfuls whilst the billioned masses must keep borrowing from these billionaires to make ends meet. This […]

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Greece – Great workers victory for the NO: A mandate for revolutionary resistance – not for new Memorandum agreements

The working class based victory for the “No”, with more than 60% is a revolutionary event. The people have given a mandate for revolutionary resistance and against Memorandum agreements. It’s time for the nationalization of banks, repudiation of the debt and the overthrow of Memoranda and barbaric capitalism which spawned them.

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The Ructions in the SACP and the Turbulence ahead

Over the recent period, beneath the appearance of relative calm in the South African Communist Party, serious divisions have began to open up. These divisions are manifesting themselves along fault lines which have existed for long periods of the party’s existence. Now, under the raging organic crisis of Capitalism, the turbulence which accompanies it, the […]

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 Capitalism in crisis: a sinking ship without any lifeboats

Capitalism in crisis: a sinking ship without any lifeboats

As Adam Booth explains in this article, serious bourgeois economists can see a new world economic slump coming, which they have no way of averting, having already used all the traditional measures they would have adopted in the past, lowering interest rates, credit, etc. In these conditions any important event, such as a Greek default […]

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