9 February 2025

[BOOK LAUNCH DATE CHANGE] The History of Philosophy: A Marxist Perspective

NOTE: the date of this event has changed to 26 September at 4pm (BST). We are proud to announce the publication of The History of Philosophy: A Marxist Perspective. This book will prove to be a vital handbook for revolutionaries fighting to overthrow capitalism today. Register for the book launch with Alan Woods and get your copy – available for a limited time at a special, pre-order price.

A truly unique book, in The History of Philosophy: A Marxist Perspective, Alan Woods uses the method of historical materialism to analyse the development of human thought down the ages. What is described is a process of development of thought from lower to higher – not in a linear and automatic way but through contradiction and struggle.

Starting with the struggles and insights of the earliest, primitive humans in their bid merely to survive, through the emergence of class societies and the blossoming of thought in the slave society of Ancient Greece, the book traces philosophy’s development all the way to Marx and Engels, who drew upon the best of earlier philosophy to produce the Marxist philosophical outlook.

Dialectical materialism, the method of Marx and Engels, looks at the world, not as a static, immovable reality, but in its constant change and motion in accordance with laws that can be discovered.

The History of Philosophy is an excellent book to help the reader understand the method of Marxism. In the midst of the deepest crisis the capitalist system has ever seen, there has never been a more important time to study Marxist philosophy. Far from being a dry and academic pursuit, as is the case with official philosophy today, for Marxists our philosophical outlook forms an indispensable guide to action. As Lenin pointed out, “without revolutionary theory there can be no revolutionary movement”. This book should therefore be bought, read and studied by all those who want to fight to do away with this rotten system. It is a vital handbook for revolutionaries today.

Attend the book launch!

To celebrate the release of this book, Wellred Books invites you to join Alan Woods for an online book launch on 26 September at 16.00 British Summer Time.

Register for free here and you will be sent a Zoom link.

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The launch will feature an introduction from the author, who will also explain how philosophy is an indispensable tool in the struggle for the revolutionary transformation of society. There will also be plenty of time for questions and answers.

The event will be free to attend, but we welcome donations. Participants also have the option to pre-order the book with their ticket and have it sent straight to your door as soon as it is ready.