9 February 2025

New IMT podcast: International Marxist Radio – coming in 2023!

The editorial board of marxist.com is very excited to announce that we are launching a new, weekly podcast series beginning early next year. Get ready to tune in to International Marxist Radio, the official podcast of the International Marxist Tendency, for the best revolutionary news, theory and analysis. Click here to subscribe on SpotifyApple Podcasts and Google podcasts!

The accelerating crisis of capitalism means we need to increase our rate of coverage, to help our audience understand the sharp and sudden changes in world politics. The increasing radicalisation of the working class, and particularly the youth, has also resulted in a rising demand for Marxist theory: the only ideas capable of explaining the tumult that surrounds us. We are therefore undertaking this exciting new initiative in order to meet the needs of the moment.

The podcast will consist of weekly interviews, responding to the latest news from a Marxist perspective, in addition to discussions on more theoretical subjects. Recording is already in progress and we are confident our listeners will enjoy what we have in store. So watch this space!

We will be releasing episode one early in the new year. For now, please help us spread the word about the new show! 

Let us know what subjects YOU would like us to discuss, and share our advert on social media, all with the hashtag #IMR:

Help us bring the revolutionary ideas of Marxism to the digital airwaves!

Above all, IMR is the voice of the IMT, a revolutionary organisation committed to the overthrow of capitalism and the construction of socialism in our lifetimes. 

If you aren’t already a member and you’re inspired by the ideas discussed on the show, get in touch, and find out more about how you can join us in the fight for the future of humanity!