Protests in Cuba: defend the revolution!

The situation in Cuba is serious. On Sunday 11 July, there were protests in various towns and cities in Cuba that have enjoyed widespread coverage in the international media (how could it be otherwise?) Where do these protests come from? What is their character? How should we, as revolutionaries, respond?

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The lessons of the Myanmar revolution

The revolution in Myanmar, after months of heroic struggles by the masses, has ebbed. The regime has clamped down brutally, while the protest movement has shifted from mass strikes and demonstrations to small-scale armed skirmishes. The question has to be posed, why have we reached such a situation, and what lessons need to be learned?

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A worldwide epoch of revolution is being prepared

World capitalism is lurching from one crisis to another, making life unbearable for billions of people. Growing numbers of workers and youth are desperately seeking a way out. As consciousness is transformed, an era of revolutionary eruptions on a world scale is in preparation. We publish here a slightly edited version of the draft World […]

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After Netanyahu’s war: a united Palestinian movement emerges

After eleven days of the ruthless bombardment of Gaza – which has killed more than 240 Palestinians (almost half of whom were children and women) and left thousands severely injured – Israel has eventually agreed to a ceasefire. The bombardment caused the displacement of 75,000 people. Their homes have been destroyed and severe damage has been inflicted […]

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Towards a new Palestinian uprising!

We recently received the following article written by an Egyptian Marxist on the events in Israel/Palestine over recent weeks. Although it was written on 18 May – the day of the general strike that united Palestinians, and before the ceasefire – and events have since moved on, we nevertheless believe it will be of general […]

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