Rosa Luxemburg and the Bolsheviks: dispelling the myths

Wellred Books is proud to announce the forthcoming release of an important new title by Marie Frederiksen, The Revolutionary Legacy of Rosa Luxemburg. This great revolutionary martyr has often been misrepresented as an opponent of the October Revolution, and as standing for some sort of ‘softer’, ‘anti-authoritarian’ Marxism as against that of Lenin and the Bolsheviks.

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BOOK LAUNCH: The Revolutionary Legacy of Rosa Luxemburg

We are delighted to announce the release of a brand new title from Wellred Books: The Revolutionary Legacy of Rosa Luxemburg. Since her death at the hands of the fascist Freikorps, the truth about Rosa Luxemburg’s life and ideas has been systematically distorted. This book, which will be launched alongside an exclusive online Q&A with the author at […]

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What has caused the unfolding chaos in the world economy?

The strategists of the bourgeoisie had imagined that the Covid-19 shutdowns had merely put an already fragile world economy on pause. Once the economy reopened, it would merely be ‘unpaused’ and would proceed to stagger on as before. This is far from how things have turned out in reality. The world economy is now in […]

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F.W. de Klerk is dead, bury the capitalist system he upheld!

Frederik Willem de Klerk, the last president of the Apartheid regime in South Africa, died on Thursday in Cape Town. He was president from 1989 to 1994. De Klerk presided over a monstrous counter-revolutionary regime that did everything possible to secure the interests of the ruling class against the revolutionary flood tide washing over the […]

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